Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Safe and Sound


We are here safe and sound in Beijing and we are typing this blog post on a computer that is only in Chinese so the only thing we can see in English is our little notes!!

The airport in Seoul was the highlight of today (since we haven't seen anything in Beijing yet!) The airport there is brand new, and a place we would both like to be burried. We arrived there about 3 am and since nothing was open, made good use of the indoor playground. The blessed Korean people also have signs posted before every moving walkway warning you to not get your stilletto stuck. (Did I rule this place in a previous life?)

A big ol' plug for Asiana air goes here -) THEY WERE AMAZING!! All the stewardesses bow to the passengers before the flight and they fed us about 85 times (ok, 2.) But we had steak and tatos and a huge yummy feast right when we got on the plane that they dubbed the "heavy snack." Vettie and I are snackers for life. Another Asiana highlight is that they are in suits and scarves as you board, and then change their outfits as the flight goes on. No kidding! When they are serving food they are in cute little skirts and beautifully embroidered aprons. Then they change to a little Chanel-esque sweater set, and then put back on their suits when you are getting off the plane. (Again, pretty sure I was Asian in another life.)

On our way to the hotel we did get to see some Olympic hot spots like the birds' nest and the cube. We asked our tour guide if there was any way he could put us in touch with Michael Phelps but the joke didn't translate all that well.

WE HAVEN'T EVEN REMEMBERED THE BEST PART!!!!! As we got to Beijing, we were trying to count up how many people are in our tour group. Grand total.... 5.... yep, 5. Me, Vettie a couple from Montana and Rex, and 80 something g-pa who left his wifey with a broken back at home to come see China by his onesie. Oh yes, pretty much a private tour of China for the next week. Our tour guides' income just got cut about a billion percent but it's easy to be a good tipper here, so I think we'll make up for it!!!

We think pictures may work tomorrow when their "American" computer is working. Uploading photos is a little tricky cause we don't speak Chinese yet. :)

So much love to all! xoxo
Jayme and Vettie


Melanie said...

A whole week of tours? Yvette loves tours!

Jayme said...

I do love a tour!!! I am in heaven!!