Friday, September 26, 2008

**** Bathroom?

A couple of mini posts now that we got the pictures working!!! PS, check out pics below that we added to our older posts.....

Back to Korea real quick where this brilliant collection of people have taken public restrooms to a whole new level!!! You can push this little red button on the side of the toilet and plastic wrap magically swoops around and changes to clean stuff. Freakin genious!! They have also added a little gadget called the ettiquite button. Not much explanation needed, but you push it and it gives you a good two minutes of flushing sounds. Yvette and I ran in and out of stalls pushing it for a about ten minutes much to the dismay of actual bathroom users. tee hee.

Contrast that with the very generously graded "four star" potty at Tien'amen. It had 6 holes on the ground and two actual toilets (no tp, of course... we have learned in all of China you bring your own to the public restrooms.) We both have concurred that Banner will never see China. :)

1 comment:

Carina said...

I love how they rate the toilets!! They must start doing that in the US.
I'm so glad you girls are having a fun time. I hope the great wall was a blast today :)